Dishes / Cuisines
- Mozzarella and tomatoes
- Mozzarelline with cherry tomatoes, watercress and green basil sauce
- Mushroom fritters
- Mushroom omelette
- Mushroom potatoes
- Mushroom risotto
- Mushroom soup with croûtons
- Mushrooms
- Mushrooms crêpes au gratin
- Mushrooms on toast with autumn salad
- Mushrooms soup with Savoy cabbage and potatoes
- Mushrooms strudel with cheese and ham on tomato sauce
- Mushrooms strudel with ham and cheese in tomato sauce
- Mushrooms with tomatoes
- Mussel soup
- Mussels au gratin
- Mussels au gratin with olive oil bread
- Mussels deep fried in "Tempura" batter
- Napfkuchen
- Neapolitan ice cream
- Nettle cream soup with fresh cheese toast
- Nettle dumplings on Taleggio cheese sauce
- Nettle spätzle in Sauerkraut gravy
- New potatoes
- New potatoes in herb butter
- New potatoes, red cabbage with apples
- Noisette potatoes
- Noisette potatoes
- Noisette potatoes, winter vegetables
- Noisettes of veal with buffalo mozzarella au gratin