French Cuisine
- Lamb fricassee with curry
- Leek quiche
- Leek tart with truffles
- Leg of rabbit stuffed with fennel in a coriander sauce
- Lemon and pistachio marquise on mango sauce, garnished with wild berries
- Light hazelnut punch with strawberries
- Lobster bisque au gratin
- Lobster bisque with fried shellfish ravioli
- Lobster bisque with Kohlrabi noodles
- Lobster fricassee with aromatic spices
- Lobster fricassee with Noilly prat
- Lobster on Savoy with Beaujolai sauce
- Lobster with mixed vegetables
- Lobster with noodles and white truffle sauce
- Log tartlet filled with coconut mousse on bramble sauce and mandarin orange sorbet
- Lorette potatoes
- Lorette potatoes, chive carrots
- Lukewarm carpaccio of salmon with cucumbers and fresh morels
- Lukewarm octopus salad with marinated salad and sour cream sauce
- Lyonnaise potatoes
- Lyonnaise potatoes, grilled tomatoes
- Lyonnaise potatoes, sautéed peppers
- Mabre of salmon and caviar on sour cream
- Macaire potatoes
- Macaire potatoes, Savoy cabbage strudel
- Maître d'hôtel potatoes
- Marble savarin with crunchy ice-cream and diced caramelized spongecake in white chocolate sauce
- Marble soufflé on nougat sauce
- Marinated mackereles in herbs
- Marinated salmon with horseradish mousse and potatos nest on salads