French Cuisine
- Red mullet on jerusalem artichokes purée, ratatouille and lemongrass sauce
- Rhubarb terrine with strawberries
- Ricotta cheese soufflé with marinated cherries
- Rissoles filled with champignons on lamb's lettuce salad
- Rissoles with goose liver stuffing on salsifis
- Roast breast of guinea fowl with potato gratin
- Roast breast of wild duck on cabbage vegetables with duck-liver sauce
- Roast duck breast in orange sauce with champignon filled voul-au-vent
- Roast duck leg with little vegetables and red wine essence
- Roast duck with apples
- Roast duck with herbs in armagnac
- Roast duck with white turnips
- Roast duckling with mustard-corns sauce
- Roast Jerusalem artichokes
- Roast lamb chop in almonds crust on Savoy with potato gratin
- Roast loin of lamb with red peppers sauce
- Roast loin of venison with mashed potatoes with celery
- Roast quail in bacon on braised red cabbage and potato cakes
- Roast saddle of rabbit with green beans and saffron sauce
- Rondell of duck liver parfait with summer salad
- Sachet of strudel pastry stuffed with quince apple on star anise sauce and chestnut parfait
- Saddle of rabbit with wild duck breast on chanterelles potato tartare
- Saddle of venison in salt pastry with pistachio and Port wine sauce
- Saddle of venison in Savoy cabbage coat with celery purée and chanterelles on Port wine sauce
- Saddle of venison in Savoy cabbage leaves on Port wine sauce
- Saffron gnocchi with smoked cottage cheese and chives
- Saffron potato gnocchi with scallops and red wine shallots
- Saffron potatoes
- Saffronsoufflé on turmeric sauce
- Salad of artichokes with sautéed breast of quail