Dessert Recipes
- Apple spring rolls with whipped cinnamon cream and apple sherbet
- Black forest style chocolate and cherry roll on custard sauce
- Blueberry and vanilla mousse on marinated peaches and wild berries
- Blueberry parfait on white chocolate sauce
- Brioche squares austrian style with vanilla sauce and cranberry jam
- Browned omelette with stewed rhubarb and vanilla ice-cream
- Cacao ravioli with chocolate canache, stracciatella ice cream on pistachio sauce and orange segments
- Caramelized millefeuille with plain chocolate mousse on persimmon sauce
- Caramelized millefeuille with white chocolate mousse and fig in red wine
- Charlotte of coffee mousse on mascarpone sauce
- Chocolate fondue with exotic fruit
- Chocolate mousse in log with fresh fruits
- Chocolate mousse on raspberry sauce with chocolate clown
- Chocolate parfait on stewed pears with phitaya fruit
- Coconut parfait filled with strawberries on pineapple carpaccio
- Coconut parfait on chocolate sauce
- Cooked coconut cream in a raspberry jelly with fresh fig
- Cooked cream with mango jelly with marinated mango and raspberries
- Cooked cream with marinated peaches
- Cooked cream with raspberry jelly and pistachio on marinated exotic fruits
- Cooked vanilla cream with pistachio in red wine jelly
- Crème brûlée of coconut with passion fruit mousse in a chocolate cup and exotic fruit
- Crème brûlée with plums in red wine
- Crêpe with chocolate sauce and vanilla ice-cream
- Crispy chon filled with raspberry mousse and fresh wild berries
- Crispy spring rolls stuffed with pineapple on raspberry sauce
- Fines waffles with strawberry mousse
- Floating island on vanilla sauce with wild berries
- Friands mousse with orange segments and mulled wine
- Friands parfait on star anise sauce with orange segments